
Nhep Portal

Nhep LMS is an education portal developed for Australian client Medyled Pvt. Ltd. It uses Angular 11 for web technology and .NET Core for API. The platform serves as an educational hub for specialist doctors, facilitating discussions and keeping them informed about the latest research in the field.

Anganwadi Portal

Aditi IT Software Solutions Pvt Ltd  with LifeFirst Concepts and Technology Pvt. Ltd., developed an Anganwadi app for Latur District Municipal Corporation. The web and mobile app use Core 2.x MVC for frontend, Core 2.x REST API with JSON Output, and Xamarin. It records Anganwadi information in 34 parameters for analysis and supplement provision

Test Booking App

Aditi IT Software Solutions Pvt Ltd created a Test Booking app for JIEM (Japan Institute for Educational Measurement) using Angular web technology. The app allows users to book tests online or offline at various centers. Tests can be configured with subjects for selection. Test center availability and seat allocation are managed by the TCMS (Test Center Management System).

Stuwell App

Stuwell is a student wellness app offering educational videos, study tips, inspirational content, affirmation audio, meditation, and concentration music for holistic student development. The app utilizes Xamarin for mobile technology, providing a convenient platform for students to access resources and enhance their overall wellness and academic performance.

PCS – Patron

The WPF application is designed to create schedules for retrieving data from the PowerSchool API. A Windows Service then executes these scheduled tasks, exporting the obtained data into CSV format. This exported data can be utilized by third-party tools for further analysis and processing.